Bonnie Kornstein

Writing an artist statement always makes me step back as a sculptor, reflecting upon my work, past and present. One constant is I love what I do and I am always challenging myself.

Wood and I have a lifelong connection. Trees are well rooted; they experience birth, growth, changes in form from the elements of nature and then they die.

As a sculptor, I take the wood after it has served God's given purpose. Looking at the wood, I look deep within its heart and transform it, usually without a preconceived concept; giving it a new sense of purpose, emotion and eternal life. This allows the wood to take me where "it" wants to go. Most of what emerges are abstract human forms depicting various emotions.

In recent years I also use mix medias which allows me to experience a different sense of freedom. I am then able to work in changeable sizes, spaces. My protégé woodcarver/sculptor, Erna Stenzler would say, "Truth to Medium"

Sculpting is an extension of my being.