Janis Ferguson


I have had a great interest in the Arts since I was eight years old. My education in fashion design inspired me to experiment with various materials, and techniques to guide me through a design idea. I was making gifts for my family and friends. I gradually journeyed into fashion design doing custom work and doing fashion shows locally. Sometime later I ventured into doing handicrafts using wire, clay and other materials. I chose wire sculpting as the choice medium I wanted to use for my The Tree of Life collection. I believe as long as I have passion, I have a project. I am a self-taught wire sculptor in Philadelphia, PA, and I am constantly challenging myself.

Artist Statement:

I had an epiphany of the Tree of Life while I was creating jewelry and became inspired to recreate the Tree of Life in various styles. I decided the best medium to create this tree was with wire of various types, such as aluminum, wrapped twine, and garden wire. I also used glass seed beads and artificial leaves and silk leaves for the final stages of the tree until a collection of the Tree of Life came to life. Doing this collection was inspiring and was a reminder that nature in all its forms is to be admired and respected. I envision this tree to be a positive piece for any display as it represents growth and healing. My focus is to bring joy and inspiration to humanity.