PS Featured Recent Grad: Jiarui Li


“As a digital artist, I am passionate about integrating code into my personal projects as well as designing otherworldly concepts for video games and films using Photoshop, Mandelbulb 3d, and Cinema4d. I strive to create platforms in the future on how technology tools help the creative process for people to share motivation and ideas as a community.

“The majority of my studio practice shifted towards digital art creations right before the pandemic, however it is not the only cause for this major shift and as I continue in art making medium. During my learning experience in the Pafa/Upenn program, I became more passionate about the idea of integrating technology and art. My digital works are made on my PC with multiple computer programs and online website tools. My experience with making art during the past year was to gain knowledge as much as possible to achieve the goal for my art career.”

Kieran Riley Abbott