Introduction to the P.S. We Love Our Members Grant

We are pleased to have current President and founder of Philadelphia Sculptors, Leslie Kaufman, introduce both the organization and the artist-relief effort put together in the early stages of the Coronavirus pandemic.

About the P.S. We Love Our Members Grant

"In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the artist community, Philadelphia Sculptors created a new virtual opportunity, P.S. We Love Our Members, to help meet the needs of our members and provide additional visibility for their artwork. Philadelphia Sculptors will disburse one-time $1,000 grants to ten selected member artists whose dues are current. Artists submitted works and statements that were reviewed by curators Jacintha Clark and Christine McDonald, after they were initially juried by Leslie Kaufman, Mari-Elaine Lamp, and Marsha Moss.

Member artworks selected for P.S. We Love Our Members will be posted on our website and on our Instagram account. This grant can be used for any purposes determined by the artist. In return, the selected artists must commit to being the subject of a video interview that PS will share through our website and social media. We want to support our members and show them we love them during this time. While sculpture is best seen in 3D we are flattening sculpture as we try to flatten the curve."

Leslie's Artist Website:

Philadelphia Sculptors homepage:

Kieran Riley Abbott